Category: Events
New Show Dates Coming In Thick And Fast!
If you haven’t checked out our Masters Of The Scene ABBA show dates page recently, now’s the time to have a look! We’ve added a few more for this year (including a VERY exciting private corporate event in El Salvador!) and next year’s calendar is off to a great start! SHOW DATES And bonus picture…
Where Did The Sun Go?
Who needs sun anyway! So..what are Masters Of The Scene up to, we hear you ask? Well! We’ve just finished our run of Summer shows at Butlins Skegness. Got a few more here and there over the next few months, including an appearance at the Butlins Oktoberfest Adult Weekender in Minehead. We’ve got a show…
Summer Update!
What a few months we’ve had! At the end of May we kicked off our Summer stint at Butlin’s Skegness! It’s a long drive from Stockportholm but it’s totally worth it – it’s so much fun! Two shows every Friday night until October, working with the awesome Redcoats and backstage tech staff, and then being…